CHARLI3 is excited to announce our partnership with INDIGO PROTOCOL, a synthetic assets (iAssets) DeFi protocol that allows exposure to real-world assets.
CHARLI3 will provide pricing data updates for INDIGO’s synthetic trading protocols in the crypto world, keeping INDIGO’s systems trusted and secure for end-user trading.
The two projects have been working together to manage early integration efforts in order to streamline CHARLI3’s integration processes.
initial tests cases: (easy to implement, but dependant on C3 script size)
- Indigo adds a configurable option in their smart contract to allow them to change which data NFT is used as a source for the oracle value.
- This way OracleNFT can be replaced the corresponding OutputNFT from a Charli3 aggregator, and allow Indigo to use our oracle outputs directly.
future test cases: (more difficult to implement, but independent of C3 script size)
- Indigo updates the validator for OracleNFT, to ensure that the FeedPrice may only be set to the same value as is also being stored in a Charli3 OutputNFT UTXO
- This means Charli3 nodes can update the OracleNFT as part of the aggregation operation when the new Output UTXO value is being set.
This additional collaboration will be instrumental in early project success to minimize the gap for new projects on launch to receive the data feeds necessary for functionality.
There is more in the works with INDIGO and CHARLI3 working together to improve the Cardano ecosystem. Stay tuned to find out in the future.
A DeFi protocol that enables synthetic assets (iAssets) for traders to gain price exposure to real-world assets. Users can mint (on-demand) and trade assets fully collateralized in ADA, stablecoins, and iAssets, tracking the price of any asset from Traditional ETFs to cryptocurrencies. Additionally, iAssets enable significant advantages over traditional assets: users can hold them in fractional shares and trade them irrespective of their geographic location or market hours. Users can benefit from price exposure to the underlying asset without going through the obstacles and potential delays of purchasing the real world and/or digital asset. Enabling price exposure to assets via Indigo’s noncustodial & decentralized architecture unlocks opportunities for wealth creation at a global scale for anyone with an internet connection.